612 W Silknitter St
United States
The Flaming Shamrock Farm. We sell eggs (unwashed) by the dozen ($4), freeze dried eggs (raw) ($10/dozen/2 dozen yolks/2 dozen whites), and pasture raised (in tractors) meat birds (Freedom Rangers currently). The meat birds will probably be $8/pound.
We will also incubate Black Australorps for typically $3/chick. Occasionally a Blue (I have one pair of Blue Australorps) gets in the mix. We usually sell the chicks straight run only.
My girls are producing about 2-3 dozen eggs per day, sometimes more, so we do not have an issue of supply.
When it's harvest time, we will also sell freeze dried dog treats and chicken livers. The treats will be the feet, head, gizzard and hearts.
On the property, if you want to pay for the feed and chicks, you can also raise your own birds on my property. Typically, it seems the meat birds will take about 25 pounds of feed per bird before harvest, so that is one bag per 2 birds. We source all of our feed from Schneider Feeds in Augusta KS.